
About the Drimolen site

Through my long-running collaborations with Dr. Andy Herries at La Trobe University, I have recently become involved in active fieldwork at the Drimolen hominin site; specifically the analysis of fauna from the newly discovered Drimolen Makondo deposits.

Further information about the active field research (including the joint La Trobe University-University of Johannesburg Field School) can be found at www.archaeomagnetism.com. Details of our faunal research at Drimolen will be forthcoming!

In review publications:

Herries AIR, Boschian G, Parrish R, Rovinsky D, Armstrong B, Kajewski PP, Stammers R, Baker S, Menter C, Hopley P, and Adams JW. In review. Drimolen Makondo: a new Plio-Pleistocene fossil bearing palaeocave fill from the Drimolen hominin site, Gauteng, South Africa. Submitted 11/2014, Journal of Human Evolution.

Rovinsky D, Herries AIR, Menter C, and Adams JW. In review. First description of in situ primate and faunal remains from the Plio-Pleistocene Drimolen Makondo palaeocave infill, Gauteng, South Africa. Submitted 10/2014, Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology.

A view of the Drimolen Main Quarry excavations
Quarry: A view of the Drimolen Main Quarry excavations